The PerfectRec Earbuds or Headphones team Learn more
Updated January 10, 2024·
If sound quality is a top priority for you, the Sony WF1000XM4 offers superior overall listening experience. However, for iPhone users, the Apple Airpods Pro 2's seamless integration with Apple devices may be more appealing, making device pairing and switching between Apple devices easier. The Sony earbuds have a longer battery life per charge, but they lack wireless charging and take longer to fully charge compared to the Airpods. While both models offer noise cancelling, the Airpods Pro 2's is more effective, especially for frequent travelers or those needing to block ambient noise. The Sony earbuds are larger and offer more customizable sound through their app, which could be a deciding factor if you like to fine-tune your audio settings. Give Feedback
this description is based on the product variant with some specs and product variant with some specs. At the time of writing, the variant with some specs cost some dollars and the variant with some specs cost some dollars.
Advantages of the Apple Airpods Pro 2
Good for phone calls
Very good for gaming
Good for TV and video
Advantages of the Sony WF1000XM4
Excellent for music
Best in class for podcasts and audiobooks
Key differences
The Sony WF1000XM4 is excellent for music, while the Apple Airpods Pro 2 is good.
The Apple Airpods Pro 2 is very good for gaming, while the Sony WF1000XM4 is poor.
Phone Calls
The Apple Airpods Pro 2 is good for phone calls, while the Sony WF1000XM4 is only fair.
Podcasts and Audiobooks
The Sony WF1000XM4 is best in class for podcasts and audiobooks, while the Apple Airpods Pro 2 is very good.
TV and Video
The Apple Airpods Pro 2 is good for TV and video, while the Sony WF1000XM4 is only fair.
Noise Reduction
The Apple Airpods Pro 2 is excellent for noise reduction, while the Sony WF1000XM4 is very good.
6.0 Hours
9.0 Hours
The Apple Airpods Pro 2 has 6 hours of battery life. The Sony WF1000XM4 has 9 hours of battery life.
The Apple Airpods Pro 2 has a price of $199 and the Sony WF1000XM4 costs $220.
Although they have very similar scores, PerfectRec considers Apple Airpods Pro 2 to have excellent build quality, while the Sony WF1000XM4 has very good build quality.
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How the Apple Airpods Pro 2 and the Sony WF1000XM4 compare to other earbuds and headphones
"Apple's upgraded H2 chip begets better active noise canceling (ANC) and battery life, while the case's U1 chip and integrated speaker lets you precisely locate it from the Find My app. If you own an iPhone, the new AirPods Pro is an obvious choice."
"The headphones deliver a satisfying user experience, class-leading battery life, some of the best noise-cancelling we’ve heard in this category, and absolutely stunning sound quality."
Get a great deal on the Apple Airpods Pro 2 or the Sony WF1000XM4
About Apple
Apple Inc. is an American technology company, founded in 1976, known for its wide range of premium products, including smartphones, computers, and audio solutions. Apple offers the very popular personal audio line AirPods, highly regarded for their wireless, smart capabilities and their seamless integration with the iPhone, iPad and Mac devices. They provide a high-quality sound, comfort and lifestyle features perfect for all users invested in their ecosystem.
About Sony
Sony is a multinational corporation, based out of Japan, with over 75 years of experience in the consumer electronics industry. In the audio market, Sony has been a trendsetter several times throughout its history. In 1979 they released the first-ever portable music player, the Sony Walkman, followed by the Discman 20 years later. Today, Sony is one of the leaders in the wireless headphone and earbud market, especially in terms of Active Noise Cancellation technology.
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This information was produced and vetted by the PerfectRec earbuds & headphones team. We are a product research and recommendation organization that meticulously reviews and evaluates the latest earbuds or headphones information and makes it digestible for you.
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About the Earbuds or Headphones team
Joe Golden, Ph.D
CEO and Earbuds and Headphones Editor
Joe is an entrepreneur and lifelong electronics enthusiast with a Ph.D in Economics from the University of Michigan.
Jason Lew
Staff Expert & Software Engineer
Jason is a staff expert and software engineer that has been making laptop recommendations for 7 years and moderates one of the largest laptop subreddits.
Chandradeep Chowdhury
Staff Expert & Software Engineer
Chandradeep is a staff expert and software engineer and expert in televisions and monitors. He’s been making monitor recommendations for ten years.
Luis Torres
Earbuds and Headphones Expert
Luis is a Mexico-based headphones expert. He’s been making headphone recommendations for five years and has close to 100 pairs in his personal collection.